Hubers Law’s established Real Estate Team which deals with commercial conveyancing, has acted for landlords and tenants for many years, building up expert knowledge in this area.
We advises both landlords and tenants in relation to agreements for lease (including pre-lets), leases, re-gearing of leases, lease renewals, assignments, authorised guarantee agreements, licences, rent deposits and surrenders.
We also advise on a variety of potentially complex issues including:
• Lease renewals under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 together with any tactical considerations
• The interpretation of leases e.g. rent review clauses and service charge provisions
• Exercising break clauses
• Tenant insolvency – rights and remedies
• Rent review disputes
In our knowledge and experience, the more you can agree in the heads of terms, the faster the transaction will proceed.
By instructing us at the outset whilst negotiating the heads of terms you are in a better position to highlight any key points and apportionment of risk. This will ensure your investment in the heads of terms strike a fair balance between the parties and the transaction proceeds more quickly.
We can also assist with all legal aspects of property portfolio management, from drafting commercial property lease agreements or advising on residential tenancy agreements, to offering lease extension advice. Our property team works throughout the firm to provide specialist, collaborative advice.
The team also advises clients on any reconfiguration of their occupational requirements, whether divesting themselves of space or seeking new space. By ensuring our clients know that they are in safe hands, they can concentrate on running their own business.
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Law firms are heavily regulated by the different authorities and we are required to confirm our work with the client as well as with the law society, legal aid agency and other interested parties with the regulatory powers. We can assure our clients that all the regulatory authorities have confirmed that we follow all the regulations.
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